Saturday, April 22, 2006

Nut Hatches and Willow Warblers

Sandra first noticed that our rather small garden was becoming a haven for very large numbers of very pretty birds. I won't detail them, because I just appreciate their appearance and sometimes bizarre behaviours.

Anyway, why should the birds come? Was this Hitchcockian? No, it's much simpler than that. One of our dogs loves peanuts and demands them from me every time I have any. I mostly give in, because I'm always sorry for dogs. I love them dearly, but they are soooooo subservient and desiring to please.

Dogs stomachs don't work on peanuts. I suppose some oily nutrient seeps through, but not much. And all the little peanuts come out in the turds. Now, because I have a very bad hip and the weather has not been great this winter and spring, the dogs have had to use the garden sometimes as a loo.

Guess what: the pretty birds come swooping down on the poos and pick out the nuts. Our garden is suddenly a veritable Mecca, er .... , a really big attraction for all seed-and-nut-eating avians. Of course, it helped that Sandra started feeding the birds proper food last winter, but I think it was originally down to the peanut-filled dog shit.

Our daughter Jane is finally getting over Drum & Bass music and moving onto stuff that is ever weirder. God alone knows if the birds will abandon us if and when she ever finishes setting up her sound system.

And what about Avian flu, I ask myself. Oh, I don't know. But I don't want these birds to die now; I've fallen in love with most of them.

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